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Finance Committee Minutes 02/09/2006
Wellfleet Board of Selectmen/Finance Committee
Minutes of Joint Budge Meeting
February 9, 2006
Senior Center, Long Pond Room

Board of Selectmen – Dale Donovan, Chair; Michael May, Helen Miranda Wilson, Ira Wood
Absent: Jerry Houk
Finance Committee – Carl Caruso, Chair; Nancy Bone, William Carlson, Patricia Foley, MacGregor Hay, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Sylvia Smith
Excused: Berta Bruinooge
Also attending: Tim Smith, Town Administrator; Marilyn Crary Town Accountant

Board of Selectman Chair Dale Donovan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

#300 Wellfleet Elementary School
Jan Plaue of the School Committee said there was an increase due to the new electric rates. There was also an increase for the addition of a first grade reading tutor.  The new total request for the Elementary School is $1,958,739.
Superintendent of Schools Michael Gradone and WES Principal Teecia Kent along with Ms. Plaue discussed a number of issues which included: hours of use of the school by other groups; projections for the future; teaching staff numbers; a solar panel installation; moving the electricity line to the DPW budget; new sources of revenue; grant applications; and correcting problems with the water supply.

#301Nauset Regional School System
Superintendent of Schools Gradone and James Chudomel, representative to the Nauset Regional Schools, came forward to present the budget for Nauset Regional Schools.  According to Superintendent Gradone, the changes were due to increased energy costs.  Gradone answered questions about the Capital Budget, the Choice Program, Excess & Deficiency (E & D), estimated receipts the Operating Budget, and computer expenses.

Marina Enterprise Fund
Harbormaster Michael Flanagan said the Salary and Wages number had decreased, but the Operation lines had gone up because of electricity.  Other increases were for repair and maintenance, postage, gas & diesel fuel.  The Direct & Indirect Costs line is the same as last year.  That is for shared expenses, he said.  Capital Outlay has a significant increase because Flanagan expects to replace docks in the A Section.  He also requested $30,000 for a new pick up truck that moorings could fit into and that could haul a trailer for deploying floating docks.  He asked for expenses to engineer a new building at the pier.  The last two requests for a stationary pump-out facility and a wash-down facility already have funding.

Town Administrator Tim Smith and Flanagan answered questions about a feasibility study for a replacement building; harbormaster salaries in other towns; credit card accounts; decreased slip revenue; expansion of moorings with floating docks; and the funding of the new ramp.

Other Changes
Town Administrator Tim Smith explained that the Tech School Budget  figure had gone down and is now is $279,542.  Line #3151 for Legal Expenses has increased to $30,000 for professional negotiating with Town bargaining units.  Dale Donovan and Ira Wood mentioned other situations that could raise legal expenses.  Line #417 for Electricity was doubled, said Tim Smith.  Line #3424 for Street Lighting had an additional $14,000.  Line #422 for the Municipal Water System also doubled.

Running Total
Tim Smith said everything was funded with $16,560 left over, but the additional $17,590 for the School created a $1,030 deficit which can be covered by Free Cash or other cuts. Funding is included for the Chamber of Commerce and the Fourth of July fireworks.  The $400,000 for Nauset Regional Schools is now in the Capital Budget.  The Stabilization Fund and the Overlay Fund need to be built up.

Budget Overlook
Working with assumptions for future expenses and revenues, Tim Smith and Town Accountant Marilyn Crary had prepared a Budget Outlook spreadsheet that compared FY2005 and FY2006 totals with FY2007 and made projections up to FY2011.  There was a discussion of an override for the Flex Route bus service.  There was also a discussion of snow plowing issues.  Tim Smith reviewed specific percentages for FY2007.

Debt Service Projections
The other spreadsheet prepared by Marilyn Crary and Tim Smith was also examined.  This broke down Debt Service figures from FY2004 up until FY2026. There were discussions concerning expansion of the Municipal Water System, plans for 335 Main St., and the Marina Enterprise Fund.

John Makely proposed the formation of an Ad Hoc committee to think of more ways to raise revenue.  Dale Donovan said the budget projections could be used as a basis for suggestions. Finance Committee Chair Carl Caruso will meet with Tim Smith to review what actually can be done.  Ira Wood wondered if there were projections for what could be cut back or pared down for future budgets.  

Ira Wood moved that the Board of Selectmen pass the Budget on to the Finance Committee. Wilson seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  

Minutes of Joint Budget Meetings
John Makely moved to approve the amended minutes of January 12, 2006.  Kirsch seconded. The motion carried with FinCom 8-0. The motion carried with the BOS 3-0-1 (Wilson abstaining).

Mac Hay moved to approve the amended minutes of January 19, 2006. Kirsch seconded.  The motion carried with FinCom 8-0. The motion carried with the BOS 3-0-1 (Wilson abstaining).

Kirsch moved to approve the minutes of January 26, 2006. Hay seconded.  The motion carried with FinCom 8-0. The motion carried with the BOS 3-0-1 (Wilson abstaining).

Wilson stated her reason for abstaining on approval of the minutes.  She said that the two boards were supposed to consider them separately.

Arlene Kirsch moved to adjourn the meeting.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried with FinCom 8-0.  Donovan moved to adjourn, and Wood seconded and the BOS agreed to adjourn also.  The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary

_______________________                         _____________________
Carl Caruso, Chair                                              Dale Donovan, Chair
Finance Committee                                               Board of Selectmen

                                                                Jerry Houk

                                                                Michael May

                                                                Helen Miranda Wilson

                                                                Ira Wood